10 research outputs found

    Correlation of E-Learning Courses toward Nursing Students’ Cognitive Skills

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    Background: E-learning is one of the new learning methods in the Indonesian education system. This system has been used to increase students’ understanding levels. The researcher has noticed that students had a lack of cognitive level due to the misinterpretation and mis-extrapolation of the materials. E-learning shall improve students’ cognitive level in courses. The researcher is interested in exploring the correlation between the effectiveness of online classes and nursing students’ cognitive level. Objective: This study aims to identify the relationship between the effectiveness of online courses through the e-learning system and students’ understanding level at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Method: This study implemented a quantitative method with a cross-sectional design along with The Pearson product-moment correlation to measure the correlation strength. Results: The researcher found E-learning adequate to be applied to nursing students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (85.8% out of total respondents, N=288). The average score of the seven components measured (productivity, quality, efficiency, flexibility, eminence, development, and satisfaction) was 68.54, while the average rating of students’ cognitive level was 53.92.Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between e-learning as an education system and nursing students’ cognitive level

    Jumlah Bakteri pada Luka Diabetik Kronik yang Dicuci Menggunakan Ekstrak Air Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium Guava)

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    Various solutions have been recommended for cleanse the wound, however normal saline is favored. Aqueous guava leaf extracts have material that known for antibacterial in the diabetic wound care especially for cleansing. Guava leaf available in Indonesia, but there is unresolved debate about its use. This study use quasi-experimental with pre-test post-test design. Sample in this study consist 19 outpatients who had diabetic chronic wounds care in clinic Kitamura, Pontianak. Analysis of quantitative data was tested with non-parametric analysis, Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test to determine the effect of aqueous guava leaves extract in reducing bacterial. Results sowed that he number of bacteria colonies after cleansing the wound using aqueous guava leaves extract was decreased. P-value on first day until seventh day for 10% aqueous guava leaves was p=0.008 (p0.05), but 20% aqueous guava leaves extract most effective than 10% aqueous guava leaves extract

    The Correlation between The Knowledge Level of Diabetes Management toward The Preprandial Glucose Levels

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    Background: Knowledge about diabetes mellitus affects the lifestyle of patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus. Knowledge is one of the essential factors that determine health management for patients.Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between the knowledge level of diabetes mellitus (DM) management and preprandial glucose levels.Method: This study uses a quantitative cross-sectional method in which the correlation between the knowledge level and the preprandial glucose levels was calculated.  Sixty-eight respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The knowledge level of DM management was measured using a questionnaire which consists of 28 questions. The value of the preprandial glucose level was measured using a test tool (easytouch®). The data were analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation test. The study was conducted from January to February 2019.Result: The result shows that respondents have a high level of knowledge of diabetes management, in which the score is 20.37 on average. The respondents have an average preprandial glucose level of 139.72 dl/mg. The Pearson product-moment correlation test shows a significant correlation between the knowledge of DM management and the preprandial glucose level with the coefficient correlation at -0.422, and p0.001 (ρ0.05).Conclusion: There is a correlation between the knowledge level of diabetes management toward preprandial glucose levels

    Student's Satisfaction on Online Nursing OSCE (ON-OSCE) Assessment Application

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    Background: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is one of the final assessment components for nursing students. OSCE assessment uses the ON-OSCE (Online Nursing OSCE) application to fulfill the need and overcome the manual OSCE assessment challenges using papers. The manual OSCE assessment with multiple checklists is very detailed and takes a long time in scoring. Besides, the evaluation using papers tends to cause a miscalculation in scoring a total of ratings that can harm the student.Method: This research is a non-experimental study with a descriptive design and cross-sectional approach. The samples were 480 respondents of nursing students. The instrument of assessment of satisfaction was analyzed based on the score accuracy, time to retrieve score, and examiner's attention. Data analysis used descriptive frequency and percentage distributions. Results: Students' satisfaction based on the time to retrieve score revealed that 365 students (76%) were satisfied. Two hundred eighty-five students (59,4 %) were also satisfied with ON-OSCE related to the score accuracy. Regarding the examiners' attention, 273 students (56,9 %) felt the examiners ignored the students' actions. They focused on the laptop to provide an assessment. It could be due to the new ON-OSCE application for the examiners and their unfamiliarity with operating the application.Conclusion: Most students were satisfied with the assessment using the ON-OSCE application to retrieve scores and the score accuracy. However, they were less satisfied with the examiners' attention. The examiners should be more familiar with the ON-OSCE

    Stress Management Training for Working, Elderly, and Health Cadre Women : Rumah Pendamping Emak Sehat Jiwa

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    Emotional mental disturbances occur more often in adult women due to the influence of the estrogen hormone. Working women tend to have more burdens than women who do not work. Mental emotional disturbance in women, such as stress and anxiety, can interfere with their productivity and lead to depression. The aim of this social empowerment is to do mental health screening and management stress training i.e. deep breathing, the five-finger hypnosis, and progressive muscle relaxation in order to reduce the sign and symptom of stress and anxiety. Mental health screening was conducted using the Self Reporting Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20). Initially, 44.2% of respondents experienced signs and symptoms of anxiety. After undergoing deep breathing training, the five-finger hypnosis, also progressive muscle relaxation for four meetings in one month, the signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety in women has decreased. The conclusion from this activity is stress management training with deep breathing, the five-finger hypnosis, and progressive muscle relaxation in adult and elderly women can reduce stress and anxiety levels


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    Tingginya angka pekerja migran (PMI) wanita di Taiwan tanpa dibekali dengan pendidikan yang cukup membuat pekerja migran menjadi kelompok rentan yang mendapatkan perlakuan diskriminatif, minimnya akses pelayanan kesehatan, dan kekerasan atau pelecehan seksual. PMI yang menikah dengan warga lokal Taiwan pun juga sangat kurang mendapat akses informasi kesehatan dan pelayanan kesehatan yang mengakibatkan ibu hamil mengalami distress kehamilan. Kemampuan diri dalam melakukan pemeriksaan mandiri mampu mengidentifikasi kondisi kegawatan sejak dini, sehingga lebih cepat dalam mendapatkan penanganan. Dari masalah tersebut pengabdi memberikan solusi berupa Pendidikan dan pelatihan self-assessment dan self-management kesehatan bagi pekerja migran Indonesia. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan dengan metode online melalui zoom meeting dengan 2 sesi pertemuan. Sesi pertama dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 januari 2022 dan 9 Februari 2022 menggunakan media webinar. Kegiatan sesi satu terkait topik self-assessment kondisi psikologis, sedangkan pada sesi kedua topik terkait deteksi dini kehamilan resiko tinggi dan manajemen kesehatan bagi ibu hamil. Hasil kegiatan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan PMI menjadi 94 sedangkan pada kegiatan sesi kedua peningkatan pengetahuan partisipan menjadi 74. Perserta yang hadir pada kegiatan adalah tenaga migran di Taiwan dan Hongkong. Peserta kegiatan menyampaikan senang karena materi yang disampaikan berguna dan bermanfaat bagi pekerja migran di Taiwan, peserta juga berharap agar ada edukasi lagi bagi PMI

    Jumlah Bakteri pada Luka Diabetik Kronik yang Dicuci Menggunakan Ekstrak Air Daun Jambu Biji (Psidium Guava)

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    Various solutions have been recommended for cleanse the wound, however normal saline is favored. Aqueous guava leaf extracts have material that known for antibacterial in the diabetic wound care especially for cleansing. Guava leaf available in Indonesia, but there is unresolved debate about its use. This study use quasi-experimental with pre-test post-test design. Sample in this study consist 19 outpatients who had diabetic chronic wounds care in clinic Kitamura, Pontianak. Analysis of quantitative data was tested with non-parametric analysis, Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test to determine the effect of aqueous guava leaves extract in reducing bacterial. Results sowed that he number of bacteria colonies after cleansing the wound using aqueous guava leaves extract was decreased. P-value on first day until seventh day for 10% aqueous guava leaves was p=0.008 (p0.05), but 20% aqueous guava leaves extract most effective than 10% aqueous guava leaves extract.</em

    A Review of the Plantar Pressure Distribution Effects from Insole Materials and at Different Walking Speeds

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    Among people with diabetes mellitus (DM), the two common strategies for decreasing peak plantar pressure (PPP) to reduce diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) risks are to modify walking speeds and to change insole materials. This study reviewed the PPP reduction based on various walking speeds and insole materials. The articles were retrieved from four major scientific databases and manual search. We identified 1585 articles, of which 27 articles were selected for full-text analysis. We found that in faster walking speeds, the forefoot PPP was higher (308 kPa) than midfoot (150 kPa) and rearfoot (251 kPa) PPP. The appropriate walking speed for reducing the forefoot PPP was about 6 km/h for non-DM and 4 km/h for DM people. The forefoot PPP in DM people was 185% higher than that of non-DM people. Ethylene&ndash;vinyl acetate (EVA) insole material was the most popular material used by experts (26%) in the forefoot and reduced 37% of PPP. In conclusion, the suitable walking speed for DM was slower than for non-DM people, and EVA was the most common insole material used to decrease the PPP under the forefoot. The clinicians might recommend DM people to walk at 4 km/h and wear EVA insole material to minimize the DFUs

    A Review of the Plantar Pressure Distribution Effects from Insole Materials and at Different Walking Speeds

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    Among people with diabetes mellitus (DM), the two common strategies for decreasing peak plantar pressure (PPP) to reduce diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) risks are to modify walking speeds and to change insole materials. This study reviewed the PPP reduction based on various walking speeds and insole materials. The articles were retrieved from four major scientific databases and manual search. We identified 1585 articles, of which 27 articles were selected for full-text analysis. We found that in faster walking speeds, the forefoot PPP was higher (308 kPa) than midfoot (150 kPa) and rearfoot (251 kPa) PPP. The appropriate walking speed for reducing the forefoot PPP was about 6 km/h for non-DM and 4 km/h for DM people. The forefoot PPP in DM people was 185% higher than that of non-DM people. Ethylene–vinyl acetate (EVA) insole material was the most popular material used by experts (26%) in the forefoot and reduced 37% of PPP. In conclusion, the suitable walking speed for DM was slower than for non-DM people, and EVA was the most common insole material used to decrease the PPP under the forefoot. The clinicians might recommend DM people to walk at 4 km/h and wear EVA insole material to minimize the DFUs